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flashing my map like it goes from low quality and refreshes constantly very unappeasing then crashes when I refresh interiors
didnt even work even las ventras still worked until this thing bugged it out i tried it by its self but I'm sure you can guess the outcome of that wasted my time deleting and reinstalling game 0/10 always the creators with pay wall modifications that release trash
poorly made half assed , dont bother
terrible tried four times, and had to reinstall, and i should've known by the patreon plugging and link in the profile that not only would it not work at all but ruin my game. i wont suggest downloading but maybe itll work for you. id advise steer clear of this creators mods paid or not. yikes
can you add full map to buy me a coffee or patreon top tier or Kofi for 10-20 dollars more but as a IOV for your time. look amazing, great work.
@Dealien oooh unfortunately its still not working, I did what you said I even downgrade mod but no luck, its probably but a conflict with another mod cheers bro it was great. I'm definitely goanna try it again when I reinstall gta later this month i rated it 5 stars btw. love ur pateron such gold
i press meetup marker for split two-three seconds , then disappears i go to the location (as i quickly marked it on the map) and no followup message, the script hasnt completely faulted becuase i can still see cointact and cancel and even get a new partner. can you put a patch on patreon. great mod tho love it
hello, this mod is very nice and just beautiful. i have map expansion mods in my game is there a way i can move the locations around the map, it would be more fun for me to use the other maps and travel, I'm planning on scripting a mod for checkpoints, and police searches, similar to pull me over would i have your permission.