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  • Gtav76

    @gtavjamal I know you play reverted, so if you're having trouble with BattlEye, you can read this. It's based on the official Rockstar notes + additional info for reverting. I just got on today and fixed this in 5 minutes.

    21 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @scarredface1017 If you're on Steam read these:
    If you're not on Steam then try to get copies of GTA5.exe from friends you trust. It's the only file required to revert. I don't recommend downloading these files from unknown or pirate sites as they may contain undetectable malware.

    21 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @iammistahwolf one more thing, the dlclist.xml determines the order by which openiv.asi loads dlc/addons. Assuming you added this MLO at the bottom of the list it will load at the very end. Either way, this will not solve your issue. Either you selectively load MLOs, edit the ybn, or move the MLO would appear to be your 3 options, the 4th would be not to load it.

    13 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @iammistahwolf I'll let @Rennie answer more specifically as I only edit this file to change names. I do however have considerable success at troubleshooting, so from my perspective the answer is no. If 2 or more MLO's are conflicting, loading one before or after the other will not solve your problem IF (notice the all caps) they occupy the same space or in this case share the same collisions. This kind of issue is different to the ones where cars have the same modkit ids which can easily be changed to fix the issue.

    But that's just my view, right or wrong. The good news is that there is an exceedingly easy test although it requires patience and attention to detail. You change the order and load the game. It's sad that this method takes time (loading a heavily modded game) but it is foolproof. However it doesn't mean you can get multiple entities to play nice. For example, with my version of Liberty City, one of dozens out there, almost any MLO i load from LS will not show up. Solution? I don't load them. I have a loader which allows me to enable or disable any MLO (or map) simply by renaming them temporarily. This also solves any issue where you have multiple versions of MLOs using the same building as an example.

    Another approach, given an MLO doesn't have nav meshes, is just to move it to another location.

    13 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @mbahdokek Thank you. Glad if it helps.

    12 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @JoyLucien vanilla peds or addonped? i don't see how addonpeds can work. I created a tool, which you modify to your needs to capture anything from the game that is supported by native functions. If the ped is an addon, you just enter its name for example "Lara" and you can return something like: Lara = SpawnPed("Lara", GetSpawnPositionFromPlayer(4.0f), false);
    From there you can set component variations or whatever you want in the same tool. Or try something like this:
    if (identifier is string pedName)
    ped = World.CreatePed(pedName, spawnPosition);
    else if (identifier is PedHash pedHash)
    ped = World.CreatePed(pedHash, spawnPosition);
    throw new ArgumentException("Identifier must be a string (name) or PedHash.");

    12 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @TrueBest @TayMcKenzie I don't know about your specific packaging but I can tell you from considerable experience working with the rpf file format that the encryption does cause issues. I recently created a texture package completely from scratch, from the folder right down to to the yourname_txds.rpf and it kept crashing the game. I've done dozens of addon dlc before so this was pretty surprising. After a few epic fails I tried another approach, using an addon creator mod - this also crashed. Finally i took the vanilla script_txds.rpf, copied it, deleted all its files, renamed it, defragged it, and it worked perfectly. Not saying it would work for you but it seems OpenIV is inconsistent in this regard of doing it from scratch so using a vanilla file or existing working addon is often your best bet. Of course you need to defrag the folder in cases where the rpf was much larger than the one you're working on - not for stability but to save space. HTH.

    11 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    Created a new video which hopefully will answer some questions as to how this tool works although it really is meant for intermediate to advance scripters - not to magically create scripts, but rather how to save hours of manual coding by doing the code creation directly in game. When we say hours, we mean for mods that repeat similar functions such as saving locations and creating teleport code from those locations. The other major benefit is in game compilation and recompilation.

    11 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @JoyLucien The solution is very simple, disable the mouse while the menu is active. Watch the video below and you will see keyboard navigation without any mouse. Once menu is closed the mouse is restored. If that doesn't work for you and you feel NativeUI is better, then at least you have that option - or write your own menu framework.

    11 de Setembro de 2024
  • Gtav76

    @JoyLucien Sorry I read too quickly and thought you meant scenarios with peds. Worst case you might have to delete the navigation mesh and create new ones. The author doesn't appear to be present for help so we have to assume his tool is just the map and its collisions. Have you watched this video:

    11 de Setembro de 2024