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  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @shawnlynch23 @PatrickJr @danix93 This kinds of crashes while loading files is almost always due to bad mods installation. Verify your game files, and try CW again.

    26 de Abril de 2018
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @Yoha Yes, that is the Win7 "Platform Update". It is required for CW to run on Win7.

    26 de Abril de 2018
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    Perhaps you could file a bug report instead of giving a lower rating? Noone else has reported any issues with loading project files...

    03 de Janeiro de 2018
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @Vitalik2187836 you can view all ymt files via the new RPF Explorer, but only the scenario region ymt's are currently editable.

    22 de Setembro de 2017
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @Yoha The GTX980 should have no trouble with the current version of CodeWalker... I run it on a GTX780 with no problems. I could only assume that for some reason that version of Win 7, or the graphics drivers, must be responsible for the problem. Perhaps the driver is just reporting a lower version of DirectX. Anyway, hopefully this new change to the code will help.

    18 de Setembro de 2017
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @Yoha @RODEBLUR I have noticed that some older GPUs drivers have DX11 support, but the device itself can only support DX10 feature level. I have made a change in CodeWalker for the next version that will make it only require DX10 feature level device. Hopefully this will solve this issue you are having, at the moment I don't have any other ideas on what might solve it, as the error is indicating that the GPU doesn't support DX11, and CodeWalker requires DX11 for rendering.

    16 de Setembro de 2017
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @zzcool Tools depending on collision meshes (eg grass painting, auto snap objects/paths to the ground, etc) is something I'm looking into at the moment. It will still be a while before I finish building those tools though.

    28 de Julho de 2017
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @Zolika1351 Have you modded your base game .rpf files at all? Are you using SC/disc version of the game? (see discussion above)

    28 de Julho de 2017
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @Gta5KoRn Car wheels are still WIP. I got them to render ok, but in the wrong location. I need to find in the .yft files where the wheel offsets are stored.

    28 de Julho de 2017
  • 20f1e0 galaxy17 184

    @Cleveyus Thanks! Currently you need to know the name or hash of the entity you wish to use, and set it in the archetype name box in the project window. I don't currently have a list of objects for easy use, but the creating entities interface is something I plan to work on more in the future (ie, placing entities with preview and/or select from a list is the goal).

    Currently the best way to deploy these changes is via the /mods/ folder, and have the game load files from mods via OpenIV.asi. Also I shouldn't have to tell you not to use a modded game for online play. If you uninstall openIV.asi / asiloader, then /mods/ folder won't be used, and then you can play online again.

    28 de Julho de 2017