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After a massive system failure due to the AMD / Windows 11 conflict I had to reload my whole gaming rig. The old texture I used, I couldn't find anymore. Now I am glad I couldn't find it because I found this instead. Absolute perfection! If you don't bother with the navy revolver cause it looks like a 5-yr old won a radio contest to finger paint the texture of the next GTA gun, you NEED this file! I looks way better than anything R* is going to release!
10 out of 5!!
I am so sorry to bother you on this I checked the forums and the site here but couldn't find anything. Did the INI change or just the ASI? I have some heavy customization to the ini so I just wanted to know if I can "drop & swap" the ASI file or if I need to rework the new ini.
Thanks again for everything you do on here bud, it is greatly appreciated!
I don't know if you will remember, sometime back I had stated that you had what I considered one of the best and most polished menus. I only wished you would make it so the menu could be opened and interacted with by the controller. You said then "Not at this time", which left me hopeful you would add this and I would be able to re-visit this script. As it turns out my "go to" trainer menu is not currently updated and as a result does not function with the new update. I saw your trainer menu pop up in the list and then saw that you have indeed added controller functions as an option. I had already rated your menu 5 stars before since it was so good but I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for adding the option and allowing me to return to using this menu! Your hard work and programming skills are very much appreciated!
As others have said, the Scripthook V was just released this morning. It usually takes Sjaak327 a few days to produce a trainer that is updated with the new code that R* modified.. The DLC Cars despawn because the code changed so the in-built MP-Cars-In-SP is not functioning. Once the author has a chance to reprogram this it will work just as well as always. Just keep an eye on the release info tab and look for the menu "updated" to be 08/17/2020 or something to that effect..
@RampageDev the fact you say "currently not" as opposed to never leaves me hopeful that it may be possible in the future. While I will likely continue to use a different menu that allows this, I will check in on this from time to time and I have rated it accordingly as the menu for those who use keyboard and mouse is exceptional and if and when the time comes that the hot-key for controller can be remapped it it likely I will switch to this exclusively.
Thank you for a great menu, and for taking the time to address questions raised by the gen pop.
Is there a way to remap the menu open buttons for gamepad? I want to use RB+Dpad Left but I am not seeing any options other than the F4 key?
@sjaak327 @Benefactor69
I think I get what you're saying, for instance the vehicle (ROOSEVELT) has the old klaxon style OOOgaAA horn when you set it to "stock". That horn is a perfect example, it will not show up anywhere in LS Customs as an option for any other vehicle. There are a few others that have this same type of horn but the ROOSEVELT is the only one I can think of at the moment that is a quick example.
I try to help out where I can. As for the issues I was mentioning, I noticed that when MP Maps is enabled, the mission where the guy turns on Michael and Trevor has to shoot the chopper pilot will glitch when it switches to Trevor and you can't exit the scope or continue on. Also, when you are doing the (Big One) if you choose the option to get the armored cars, after you get into them and start driving for the bank, when I pull up to the guard the cut-scene doesn't run and you just have the camera freeze outside the truck.. As soon as I disable MP Maps and run the same missions, I have no problem.
@tirubix -- Under the teleport menu section there is a option to (Enable MP Map).. You ABSOLUTELY have to be sure that option is enabled "BEFORE" you try teleporting to any Online-Content. Otherwise you will fall through the floor because the area referenced is not loaded in the game space. If you wish to replay any missions or play through Single Player however; be sure to DISABLE the option and then restart the game.. If you have MP Maps enabled and try to play missions you will have errors or CTD.
@sjaak327 Thank you!! That did the trick!!