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  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    Hey Sky ^^
    What do you think about to made an updatet addon version of this abrams tank here well you have so much experience
    it would be nice to see what you would doo with this tank may fixing the tracks and such just an addon vehicle so we dont need to replace the orginale Rhino lol the orginal looks horrible we know it all
    so its up to you if you are in the mode for this well it could be an jubileum(celebration) of your wounderfull work so far
    lol you even beat the problems with the multi guns that would be nice if you would to do it to this beast of a tank
    cause its a simple model not special stuff to it just the abrams tank like we know him
    to well ignore the shame on rockstars lil track driver seat problem and it would look more canon cause we all loved the rhino from GTA SA that looked much more then a abrams even he dident got tracks then this tiger and leopard mix from R* self

    25 de Janeiro de 2025
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    @ben43265 im very shy and i had just a mind blow i dod what the mod autor say i download the nighty version of scrithookv. net and it WORKS FINE not any crash and not any frame break down even the grafic and croch and lay mods word well i just flight with an avanger above the map as test and its not disspawned well im happy rn ^^

    03 de Julho de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    My Tipp delt all scripthook files so the game not crashes
    I did well bad the Autor of Scripthook dont alow comentarys so we cant tell him abput the scripthook crashes when you push the F4 key

    03 de Julho de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    @ben43265 i cant im just well love to play gta and well im german and my english isnt that good i strugle to even install mods so i use YT totureals to install mods i dont trust vio datas and im just lucky skincontroll works with out

    03 de Julho de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    @KIA Carnival Nope i cant i enjoy the game how it works rn even i cant use online cars in the story and im thankfull for the game config to be honest we have to wait for scripthook or fro some other genius that makes a scriot that let us use online cars in the story mode
    At least the gameconfig alows us to use Mod DLCs just delt the scriothook 3.6.0. and wait for an update ^^

    03 de Julho de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    zu Deutsch wen es erlaubt ist ^^

    Meine Idee war es den Rhino Panzer also die Standart version vieleicht mal auf zu polieren.
    Die Lackierung etwas näher an die des Cansis Crusader und Barracks zu bringen.
    Vieleicht so ne Art Reaktive Panzerung an den Seitenschürzen anzubringen und noch irgendwas am Turm zu verändern vieleicht die Front vom Turm etwas anwinkeln oder so in etwa und am Heck der Wanne so ne Art Käfig über an den Gittern wo die Abgase rausskommen und vieleicht noch die Fort Zancudo Beschriftung an den Seiten und am Turm der Zancudo Stern und am Heck noch mal der Zancudo Stern und der Zancudo Schriftzug und irgendwelche Fiktieven Nummern zb R* berühmte 69 oder 96 Und zur Karosserie hab ich noch eine Idee vieleicht nah wie ein Abrams vieleicht sagt dir der Name M60 2000 was also zb alte M& Patton die mit M1 A1 Abrams Geschützen versehen wurden und auch Seitenschürzen und Co wie der orginal Abrams hat um erlich zu sein der orginale Rhino passt nicht ins Bild zu GTA 5 Ich hatte ehr einen Abrans verschnitt gehofft wie in GTA San Andreas ... aber wir bekahmen einen Typ 90 Panzer Japanischer Bauart was mich ehr an einen Leopard 2A4 von der Wanne erinnert aber zu kurz geraten auch zu wenig Laufrollen und einen Tiger Panzer Geschütz Turm vieleicht kannst du ja was aus den orginalen Rhino machen das naja ins moderne Militär passt Und Wie der Rhino bwi warstock & carry angeboten wird mit einer 1500 ps starken Gas Turbine.. der Motor hört sich nach Diesel an und nach einer Explosion am Heck verliert er schon Treibstoff das passt garnicht zum US Militär auch wen es nur fiktiv

    In GTA 3 gab es ja auch nen naja Panzer (APC) der In GTA Vice City auch verändert wieder kam
    also in GTA % als Replace oder Addon einen Rhino mark 2 dan bleibt es vanilla zum Teil und man muss diesen ungepanzerten Schuhkarton nicht mehr ertragen wer hat nicht erhofft wo GTA 5 raus kam das der Rhino wie ein Abrams aus sieht ? ? und dann kommt so was komisches dabei raus von der Einstiegslucke in den Kettenkasten nun mal abgesehen ^^

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    03 de Julho de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    Hey ^^ im a huge fan of your creations QSkylineGTRfreak well mostly i love tanks and your work is insane and well i had a tiny fantasy in mind cause GTA6 is incoming what about an vanilla Rhino tank with reactive armored plates and a more accurate camuflage that fits to the fort zancudo army an Rhino Mrk 2
    Like an abrams but still the carosserie from the rhino and may the zancudo star and name on the side like the Crusader has on the doors i mean well ^^ would be a sweet idea it would be still the rhino just uparmored and im sorry for my english well im german ^^

    03 de Julho de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    Its not the gameconfigs fault Its the fault of scripthook fot net
    Cause Take2 Interactive and R* had enough for using online only content inthe story i guess they did somthing in the code so the 3.6.0 version the current version of Scriphook v. net would not be comatible anymore the same happen at the christmass update with the snow you cant change the textures to snow anymore with menyoo... i can understand R* somehow and i also belive that GTA 6 will only come to consoles cause they are tierd of hackers and moders sad for story mods but its ther product

    Anyway just delt the filel then your game will run perfectly ^^
    Sad we cant use famouse online cars for free in the story mood anymore cause you usualy have to get money in gta online to pay for them but well thats live rhis modder here @F7YO did a good job we need to wait for an incoming update pls stop all the hate we all want the same so hold togeter and dont fight each other

    03 de Julho de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    this mod still works ?

    i mean with out gm ?

    01 de Março de 2024
  • A3e227 sketch 1667805124542

    i sadly must say this great mod dident work anymore and delt my compleed mod dlc list

    24 de Fevereiro de 2024