[INS2] Dragunov SVD 1.0
The Dragunov sniper rifle (formal Russian: Сна́йперская Винто́вка систе́мы Драгуно́ва образца́ 1963 года, Snáyperskaya Vintóvka sistém'y Dragunóva obraz'tsá 1963 goda (SVD-63), officially "Sniper Rifle, System of Dragunov, Model of the Year 1963") (GRAU index 6V1 (ГРАУ Индекс 6В1)) is a semi-automatic designated marksman rifle chambered in 7.62×54mmR and developed in the Soviet Union.
Replacement for Marksman Rifle.
Install path: common\Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\patchday2ng\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\weapons.rpf
Fully Animated
4K Textures
Comes PBS Suppressor, AKM style Bayonet(Replacement for the grip), PSO-1 Scope, Standard magazine, and Extended magazine.
The front hand sticks partially through the magazine.
You cannot use the bayonet and suppressor at the same time, the bayonet will stick through the suppressor.
New World Interactive - Creation of the Weapon Model
Replacement for Marksman Rifle.
Install path: common\Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\patchday2ng\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\weapons.rpf
Fully Animated
4K Textures
Comes PBS Suppressor, AKM style Bayonet(Replacement for the grip), PSO-1 Scope, Standard magazine, and Extended magazine.
The front hand sticks partially through the magazine.
You cannot use the bayonet and suppressor at the same time, the bayonet will stick through the suppressor.
New World Interactive - Creation of the Weapon Model
Primeiro envio: 10 de Julho de 2022
Último envio: 10 de Julho de 2022
Último download: há 1 dia atrás
16 Comentários
More mods by swaggerkaj:
The Dragunov sniper rifle (formal Russian: Сна́йперская Винто́вка систе́мы Драгуно́ва образца́ 1963 года, Snáyperskaya Vintóvka sistém'y Dragunóva obraz'tsá 1963 goda (SVD-63), officially "Sniper Rifle, System of Dragunov, Model of the Year 1963") (GRAU index 6V1 (ГРАУ Индекс 6В1)) is a semi-automatic designated marksman rifle chambered in 7.62×54mmR and developed in the Soviet Union.
Replacement for Marksman Rifle.
Install path: common\Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\patchday2ng\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\weapons.rpf
Fully Animated
4K Textures
Comes PBS Suppressor, AKM style Bayonet(Replacement for the grip), PSO-1 Scope, Standard magazine, and Extended magazine.
The front hand sticks partially through the magazine.
You cannot use the bayonet and suppressor at the same time, the bayonet will stick through the suppressor.
New World Interactive - Creation of the Weapon Model
Replacement for Marksman Rifle.
Install path: common\Grand Theft Auto V\update\x64\dlcpacks\patchday2ng\dlc.rpf\x64\models\cdimages\weapons.rpf
Fully Animated
4K Textures
Comes PBS Suppressor, AKM style Bayonet(Replacement for the grip), PSO-1 Scope, Standard magazine, and Extended magazine.
The front hand sticks partially through the magazine.
You cannot use the bayonet and suppressor at the same time, the bayonet will stick through the suppressor.
New World Interactive - Creation of the Weapon Model
Primeiro envio: 10 de Julho de 2022
Último envio: 10 de Julho de 2022
Último download: há 1 dia atrás
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may ak74m with moe stock and mlok rail? and ak12?
https://www.google.com/search?q=+colapsable+stock+moe&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwinppqu_u74AhWEk_0HHaHcDMgQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=+colapsable+stock+moe&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJ1DHBljHBmC1CGgAcAB4AIABwAGIAawCkgEDMC4ymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=Qx_LYuf4CYSn9u8PobmzwAw&bih=750&biw=1536#imgrc=OEuzhCQNM0qdiM and https://www.google.com/search?q=m-lok+short+ak74m&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjGobTI_u74AhW68LsIHV-6BA8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=m-lok+short+ak74m&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoGCAAQHhAHOgQIABAeOgYIABAeEAhQwANYpA1gkg9oAHAAeACAAcwBiAH1BpIBBTIuNC4xmAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=eh_LYsb8Brrh7_UP3_SSeA&bih=750&biw=1536#imgrc=QChyZvrPWoOTAM
@swaggerkaj here is the photo of the ak74m tactical i would really want ... https://www.google.com/search?q=ak74m+tactical&sxsrf=ALiCzsbEkqpsVDmhpSxefUolGWuOW6E65A:1657479157414&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjMrZmD_-74AhX9JMUKHW2AA1EQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1536&bih=750&dpr=1.25#imgrc=eOTyt2MSjctliM&imgdii=W3lcQMVBrkJtOM
@MaxmanTV31 Could possibly look at something from tarkov.
@swaggerkaj oh yes thanks :)
@swaggerkaj and if you ll find then please try to look also at ak12 handguard for ak74m :)
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2527443269 Replace The Assault Rifle. But Knife It's Still Good
Tried putting them into patchday2 but doesn't work
You should try to do the RPK and SKS
The Norinco Type 56 would be cool too
@MaxmanTV31 look for ak-400 on the gta5 mods
@manubrouwer236 already got it, but i want it better, from you
@MaxmanTV31 if i only new how to mod
I really like your work, but can you please reduce the textures size because it causes game lag or crash sometime.
I need help! how do i remove the knife config?