Seat Ibiza Cupra 1.0
Model from: Forza 4
Converted to GTA 5 by Ozan Ünal
I'm waiting for your donations for zmodeler license :)
Working dials
Hands on steering wheel
Breakable glasses
L0 and L1 LODS
Note: Car is made as a replacement for blista, if you want to replace another car then you'll have to edit the handling file.
Converted to GTA 5 by Ozan Ünal
I'm waiting for your donations for zmodeler license :)
Working dials
Hands on steering wheel
Breakable glasses
L0 and L1 LODS
Note: Car is made as a replacement for blista, if you want to replace another car then you'll have to edit the handling file.
Primeiro envio: 30 de Março de 2016
Último envio: 30 de Março de 2016
Último download: há 2 dias atrás
30 Comentários
Model from: Forza 4
Converted to GTA 5 by Ozan Ünal
I'm waiting for your donations for zmodeler license :)
Working dials
Hands on steering wheel
Breakable glasses
L0 and L1 LODS
Note: Car is made as a replacement for blista, if you want to replace another car then you'll have to edit the handling file.
Converted to GTA 5 by Ozan Ünal
I'm waiting for your donations for zmodeler license :)
Working dials
Hands on steering wheel
Breakable glasses
L0 and L1 LODS
Note: Car is made as a replacement for blista, if you want to replace another car then you'll have to edit the handling file.
Primeiro envio: 30 de Março de 2016
Último envio: 30 de Março de 2016
Último download: há 2 dias atrás
plz fix headlights and tailights because I want to give you 5.
with corona begone mod there is no light... :)
+ window tint problem, lights also getting darker xD
@ozanunal Nice mod!! I like it! Can you convert the Seat Leon FR from GTA SA or other game?? Thanks!
Hey could somebody help me ? I wanna make my own car models but i dont know how ? need Help :)
@Eugenius enable the subtitles, and watch part 2
@MrGTAmodsgerman Im German i think you are too do you have skype or something like that ?
Ahh bir de yeni kasa Leon yapsan fena olur
@Eugenius Sorry, ich habe zwar Skype aber ich habe überhaupt nicht die Zeit dir es noch genauer zu zeigen.
@MrGTAmodsgerman mhh schade hätte es gerne gelernt zb Scripten oder so das müsste ja leichter als modden sein :( Egal ich denke du hast genug zu tun aber deine Mods sind gut :)
@Eugenius Danke, aber keine Sorge, ich plane mir für die Zukunft einen ausführlichen How to make a professional Carmod for GTA V Guide im PDF Format zu machen um allen vorallem so Leuten wie dir zu helfen ohne dabei neuen Zeitverlust zu bekommen :) Skripten ist so ne Sache jenachdem was für eine Sprache du lernen willst. C# b.z.w C++ ist ziemlich einfach zu lerenen und es gibt dort sogar für GTAV direkt sehr gute Tutorials. Wenn du aber kein Englisch verstehst kannst du das knicken
@MrGTAmodsgerman Englisch ist dürfte kein Problem sein, aber mit nem deutschen es zu lernen ist halt cooler aber Danke schon mal ich freu mich auf die PDF Erklärung falls es kommen sollte :) GL für die Zukunft
make 4-door version plz
Nice, is the model unlocked? If not, is it possible to get a unlocked version? Thanks
Nice Job can you please add SEAT EXEO ST please please that would be Great !
Nice!! Make the Seat Leon FR 2013 please!! @ozanunal
@ozanunal please converter seat leon 2015, my favorite car
thanks, god job, add-on version please! not working in mi gta remplace any car blista.......
Podrias hacer el Altea y el nuevo León?
Hello handsome has been you! Could you put the template? And make the Seat Altea and Seat Leon FR? With templates
Please make Seat Leon Cupra 2015