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    @Turrel81 Thanks but i already have the official game version, the mods always used to work before.. It's just since this fu*** forced update in February 2025 that messed up my game. I wish there was a way we could just keep playing GTA 5 without having to constantly update them with Rockstar's patches.

    27 de Fevereiro de 2025
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    Same here, I also cut all my mods from the script folder to be sure, yet whenever i launch story mode, within 5 seconds, during the loading screen, the game crashes to desktop.. i spent the whole afternoon trying to figure this out.

    By the way, if i rename dinput8..etc to something else, the game works of course, Im so confused... I think ill give up. Its a nightmare to make mods work on GTA 5 and Red Dead Redemption 2..

    26 de Fevereiro de 2025
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    update: I honestly dont believe the crash has anything to do with the mods im using.. I literally cut all the mods from my script folder out and pasted them externally , as a test.. The game still crashed during story mod loading. This means, the crash is related to something more high level.

    26 de Fevereiro de 2025
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    mhmm, i dont play GTA5 often nowdays, but have a fully modded version on my external harddrive and i try to never update it and keep it always offline. Unforuntaely Rockstar G. are incessantly annoying and forced me to update my game version.
    Now when i launch the game, while solo version is in the loading screen, it suddenly crashes to desktop. This happens consistently... For the love of god, it will be a nightmare, to check all the mods one of by one.. Surely the solution might be simpler?
    It enrages me so much, that Rockstar Game forces us constantly to update the game.. I would have preferred to leave it as the old version and just play modded solo, whenever i have the desire...

    26 de Fevereiro de 2025
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    @KassiteR Definitely my mistake, i missed that part. My apologies.

    26 de Fevereiro de 2025
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    You mention in your description next to some bullet points "[Immersify]" but you never define what this actually is...
    It's uppercase so one would assume you might be referring to some file? Change settings?...etc
    Please define this.

    26 de Fevereiro de 2025
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    @HKH191 What do you mean "no".. you literally said it yourself.. that your mod would lower the FPS automatically by a few numbers and that was the trade off.. I think its incredibly disingenuous to now recant it and pretend you never said it. Shows your character.

    26 de Fevereiro de 2025
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    Hi excuse me, I havent played GTA 5 in a long time, I know you make lots of great mods, and I recall once you mentioned that your mods generally have a "helper" file, which is an essential part of your mods, however it automatically lowers the FPS by 10 or something? Is this still the case?

    21 de Novembro de 2024
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    I need that Peugot car!! :)

    17 de Fevereiro de 2024
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    @yourfriendnashawn Well that wont help.. I have to deleted literally everything just to remove this mod?
    I would have to back up my whole Mods folder, weighing about 100gb.. I want to try out this mod though.

    17 de Fevereiro de 2024