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    @State_of_Mind is it possible to make this mod or a new mod possible to stealth kill police and military personnel without getting a wanted star unless someone saw or heard the kill? Cause I sometimes want to raid a military base using stealth, but it isn't possible now as once you enter zancudo, let alone kill a soldier, the entire base is elevated to a 4 star police, which kind of kills the stealth, tacticool approach if you know what I mean...

    08 de Setembro de 2015
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    @Suspect Attempted several hrs of sound editing and replacement and still no results... Maybe the game just don't like modding with sounds, and having over a hundred mods install probably doesn't help either haha
    But thanks again for providing some useful information on sound modding, maybe I'll use another program other than Audacity some time later. So what other freeware do you recommend for sound editing/converting?

    24 de Agosto de 2015
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    @Suspect thanks fir the help, but unfortunately i still can't get it to work, game keeps crashing. Whenever i enter a car... Maybe Im modifying the wrong files for vehicles...?

    23 de Agosto de 2015
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    @Suspect thanks a lot for providing some helpful information. So in summary the sound files have to be in the exact same bit rate as the vanilla and a size that cannot exceed vanilla correct? What will happen if say I've increased the gain so much that it clips, will it also cause the game to crash? And also when you said that the file for the weapon should not exceed the vanilla 18.56 mb right, so what kind of error do you get indicating its corrupted? Do you get a zlib error like with some texture mods or do you simply get a "gta 5 have stopped working" notification?

    23 de Agosto de 2015
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    Or at the very least, can you explain to me how you made your sound mods without crashing (like what programs you used, what format did you convert it into, does the length, file size, and bit rate have to be identical to vanilla, etc.)? Maybe I can put something together within gta's game engine limits and make a louder vehicle sound without crashing...

    23 de Agosto de 2015
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    Yeah I agree with others, some sounds are better in 3.0 than 3.5, but on the other some are better in this than 3.0, but still a solid job nonetheless, keep up the good work!!!
    Also, I'm not sure if you take requests or not, but is there any way you can make vehicle sounds (like car and bike engines, heli engines, plane engines, etc.) louder, because they are simply too quiet. The vanilla sounds are fine but is just too quiet for my taste and I'm sure many would agree. I've originally tried raising the gain of the vanilla file by 10 db using audacity amplify feature, but all that resulted was constant crashing (it was exported in batches per vehicle sound in the streamed vehicle.rpf and all dlc vehicles using audacity into a .wav file at 16 bit, so maybe I was doing something wrong...?). Anyways since you are quite experience in sound modding for gta, maybe you can try to make all the vehicles sounds louder? Thanks

    23 de Agosto de 2015