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realistic speed 280kmh? oooh man so wrong! top speed in this car is about 340 maybe more...
I don`t get it , what this folder do? spawns traffic in streets? how i can pick a car from this folder by his name? game is gonna crash like the addons cars do? so much info missing here! not downloading :/
changed some mod cars, first time doing this, is a bit hard to get it on, but when you realize what do what is easy. i´ve done some great handling cars, of course there is space for improvement , but it works and i like it. at least 15 cars modded in game, 0 crashes 0 bugs. please improve/update thank you :)
Please please please, create a multiplier option for vehicle mass (handling) and any option like this for changing in game handling is welcome. tthank tou so much guys
replaced schafter5, personal choice.. one of the best cars in the game r now! thanks :D
game crash all time 19/12
can`t understand how this works :/ ... readme?
yeahh, very good update , but bug sometimes, with some mod cars ( some cars in 3p, what i see is the entire map)(inside some cars the driver is to way back or in the windshield otherwise looks good. maybe add another camera distance in the future, and less field of view option for the 5 stars :D thanks
suspension handling is a bit weird at first look(not natural), otherwise super duper car! like it very very much!