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New Version (Improved Decals 1.2)
By ToXiC BoLTz
finally a good quality ppsh. thank you very much!
@SkylineGTRFreak Where can I make a request for a paid mod?
This is absolutely incredible bro, but just a quick heads up your Eotech sight is facing the incorrect way from what I'm seeing in the screenshot, Apart from that thank you for adding all these attachments into the game!
Very nicely done.
@Equinox407 Yes thank you, Always has bothered me how every 1911 on this site has their hammers up, and yeah it sucks that rockstar never animated hammers either. hopefully in the next gta.
@Equinox407 Is it possible to update this model with the hammer pulled down? The 1911 is uncappable of firing with it up.
Absolutely beautiful.
@swaggerkaj Great forgotten rifle right here. Any plans to do the Chinese knockoff sks (Type 63)?
Ithaca Model 37 When?
@Equinox407 Are you planning on updating your M16 mods to replace the new M16 rockstar has added in the new summer update?