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i wish this worked for me .. whenever i put anything in gunnrunning folder it never shows up in the game
all the clothes dont fit and are clipping through the body .. i hate seeing it when i switch to fanklin .. wish i made a backup
i would avoid installing any of these gun mods ..this one kist changes the skin and messes up the suppressor for all assault rifles and no sound effect ... even with a backup i was unable to get it back to the oriiginal.. now i just deleted the carbine rifle from my inventory .. no more gun mods
@mortimersr why would i lie about that ...this discussion is over.
nah i have a really good pc thanks ive ran lots of other mods similar to this and no issues ... solid 160 fps ...
Very Nice house you did an amazing job
the mod is pretty awesome but it has issues ...like when you spawn a squad in airplanes most of the time they crash into a building and in cars they often get stuck behind poles , walls and trees and i have to use the gravity gun to pull them out but aside from that i think it is great
There's one thing i have to say about this.. it simply does not fkn work...
don't download this mod or the link to the other website .. all this does is turn all your police vehicles black .. not sure if this is a troll or an incompetent pleb uploading this but very annoying.. lucky i have a way to undo it and il be making my own austraalian police vehicles now since every vehicle here for aus police cars is a skin or a pleb uploading garbage with incorrect instructions.
incorrect instructions on how to install . very dissapointing