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@L1LN3PH3W86, Let me check... Okay, I see what you mean. In the future, I'll make it so the fuel system actually disables when the bar is hidden, not just the visual.
@IChawlbai, Currently, the gasoline consumption speed is not configurable, but in the future, it will be adjustable through an INI file.
@L1LN3PH3W86 yes, if you hide it, it disabled the functionality of that bar
@LoremIpsum, Decompiling a .dll file is not possible, but you can use tools like dnSpy to inspect .dll files. Additionally, you can use MS Visual Studio to compile .cs files into a .dll.
@Savage24, It will be fixed in the next update.
@OMGBdot, Is it Scripthookdotnet Nightly?
@kiyora20 @BunnyGaming, Temporarily remove other scripts to rule out conflicts. Use a clean scripts folder to test.
@kiyora20, check discord
@terps_253 Install latest Scripthookdotnet and NativeUI
@LoremIpsum You can disable it from the menu. Just open the config menu (F12), go to the visibility section, and hide anything you don’t want.