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@The_Leopard I've changed the size of the dots all the letters consist of now and it's way better now. All the other lights were as bright as they should with my settings. But now I'm happy :D
Really great stuff man! I like that traffic advisor on top most of all, that's just amazing!
One thing that could be better though is the brightness of the respective lights. Idk if that's due to my own graphic settings only, but when it's a little bit darker it's impossible to read the writing on the message boards. And all the time you're unable to recognise the symbol on the board on top. But if that was changed, this would be the most perfect Vito anyone has ever seen in this game.
Keep on the good work
Very nice mod guys!
@aronohni is right, the BMW's blue lights get extremely big if you walk away from the car a litte. Also, would it be possible to make the white lights at the side of the lightbar (extra_11) to extra_12, so that the side of the car gets lightet up as well? Would be awesome!
Sorry pal, but this is not an ELS enabled car! You probably see yourself that Extra_1 (the read indicators) start flashing strangely because they are being controlled by ELS. The only ELS feature you're using is the headlights and siren control, but that's possible for every other non-ELS vehicle too.
@OAL you just have to add " FLAG_LAW_ENFORCEMENT FLAG_EMERGENCY_SERVICE" to the flag list in your vehicles.meta. Otherwise the game won't know if it's a police vehicle or not and so you can't do any traffic stops nor use the police computer.
Hope I could help you :)
Awesome work! :D
Gute Arbeit! Wie viele Sitzplätze hat der RTW?
Great stuff mate! are you going to release that ped model as well?
Aweseome :)
Is it possible to get the vehicle's template?
@Gekko_s sorry dude but I neither have got that model nor do I know which language that is or what it means (are you sure you sent me the right link ^^?)