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Just some work on the hair and its beyond perfection. nice mod!!!
@ImAlCapwn_ Sweet ;). Have fun !!!
@ImAlCapwn_ Good Luck
@ImAlCapwn_ I just do, i know that i watched some youtube videos,1 or 2 and i do,with rage plugin hook too"the mod that alows lcpd fr to work" one of those was this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J_dT7x10Dqg&t=475s . If you have the steam copy i can make a zip file with all those dlls you do need. if you check my profile i did make a map mod not a long ago,everything work well except that i kind of lag when working with it,dont know if it is a bug or a gta thing. Or maybe all you need is this https://github.com/crosire/scripthookvdotnet/releases ive had that not opening thing before,moved those files to the game directory and it works.
@tanker_pingvin I got it working as of now.
@sefulretelei Np! Enjoy
If you have any ideas of stuff that i could add to the map do tell me. On the v2.0 the "radio" will be "back" because i accidentaly did remove it with the map editor and there"s no control z...
@Tazwaar17OJ Does your pc start gta fast? or are you playing on 4k? Because some days ago ive tryed to change the res to 4k and the images went "black" only the John Wick one did remain
@Tiago_The_gamer96 Boas ai :)
@Plork_AiR np enjoy.