East Coast
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21 comentários
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22 seguidores
  • Gtav76

    @Pgv8_97 Buenas! Si si no recuerdo mal hay una carpeta en Map Editor donde pone Autoloads, si lo pones en esa carpeta el mod cargará nada más abrir el juego, por supuesto puedes modificarlo todo a tu gusto, muchas gracias!

    29 de Março de 2017
  • Gtav76

    @sorcerer09 Check that the objets may be the pool and some wardrobes, if there are these, the reason its the place when you load the map, you have to load it in the michael's house only or some objets will not appear, thanks :D

    29 de Março de 2017
  • Gtav76

    @EDraven2010 Thanks you for the rating! :)

    16 de Janeiro de 2017
  • Gtav76

    @RDENISM @FLEXZSAN @ariscr7 @lilimthebest22 @polmanzan @Lahwuns @whitishclay @L321 @YouAreReading @Oleg123456 @j10 I was off of this, i have just finished an upload of this file witch will appear when the admin put it, so try with this and remember LOAD IT NEXT TO THE MICHAEL'S HOUSE OR SOME OBJECTS WILL NO APPEAR, i have uploaded a image of the place where you have to load the file, only in this place, thanks! @polmanzan Hola intenta ahora la nueva actualización cuando la apruebe el admin y me cuentas si ya te funciona, pero para que todos los objetos te aparezcan debes cargar el archivo con al lado de la casa de michael, he puesto una foto también del lugar donde hay que cargarlo para que funcione perfectamente, aparecerá en unas horas en la web todo esto, un saludo y gracias.

    13 de Janeiro de 2017
  • Gtav76

    @mixtro Amazing job, i have a problem with load more than 1700 props but for separated it looks very cool, btw you know why i cant load the new objects? like new wall art and sofas etc i've updated the map editor and i didn't find them

    30 de Maio de 2016
  • Gtav76

    @RVGOD @phasecs Hmm yes you are right, i didn't see that small details, it's stronger the imagination than the attention, RVGOD know it, i hope that you liked anyway, i have to finish this and the other mods with time and attention, forgive me :D

    19 de Maio de 2016
  • Gtav76

    Thanks to all :) @GramWgry Yes but its the ExpandedObjectList.ini that comes with the map editor
    @Tomas123456 I've tried that was lite, its only arround 1100 because mods with 1700 and more it doesn't work for me too

    19 de Maio de 2016
  • Gtav76

    Wow i love it, i missed a lot this from the Saints Row, now i'm happy xD

    04 de Maio de 2016
  • Gtav76

    Mmm i would love to see this park mod with my house mod that is in this park too jaja, nah very amazing job :)

    28 de Abril de 2016
  • Gtav76

    Good Work, looks amazing!

    14 de Março de 2016