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@gatecrash360 The checkered pattern is a blank texture slot that Rockstar left marked as valid. I left it available in case Rockstar ever releases an update that uses one of those slots. That way I don't have to go back in and manually include it. Just skip past them for now.
As for the clipping, that's just because you're using an undershirt with an normal shirt that doesn't need an undershirt. That red undershirt is probably only supposed to be used with jackets or other open shirts. Try switching to undershirt 484.
Also, the clipping of the arms can be fixed by switching to the correct arms slot. That's more of a guess and check thing. I don't know why they didn't just design all the shirts to fit over the arms by default.
@AitGamers It's already in there. Models Multiplayer M and Multiplayer F. You won't be able to get the exact face, but all the clothes should be there.
@poptartsforbreakfast Steam didn't catch anything when I verified my game cache.
When I get the chance, I'll delete and re-install the game, and add any missing models in.
@poptartsforbreakfast They're not oversights or mistakes. If I'm using a cutscene model instead of an in-game model, it's because the in-game model doesn't work or caused the trainer to crash on my system.
The first hooker didn't load anything, so I only included Hooker 2 and 3 (naming them Hooker 1 & 2 for obvious reasons).
The second jewel assistant's in-game model caused the trainer to crash, and the cutscene version is horribly glitched, so I didn't include it.
And neither the in-game nor cutscene version of Paige Harris worked for me, so I didn't include her either.
I double checked all of these on both my trainer and enhanced native trainer. If you can show me that any of these issues are unique to my system, and that they actually work for you, I'll go back in and change it.
@SquibOnAcid http://www.dev-c.com/nativedb/func/info/0829f2e2
It could be the palette id, but I doubt it. I've never gotten the palette id to show any visual differences.
For everyone asking, at the moment there's a number of things that you won't be able to do as an NPC.
When the game switches models, it doesn't just slap another skin on you, it replaces everything (including walking and running animations). It basically treats you the same is it would an NPC, meaning you can only do things other NPC's can do. You won't be able to go into most shops (gas stations are fine), or do any of the story missions unless you switch back to one of the main characters.
It's cool that the game dynamically treats you differently once you change models, but it sucks because the game puts limits on some of the stuff NPC's can do. No money and no random events being a huge example.
I'm trying to find a fix for it, but it's taking a while. Switching back to Michael, Trevor, or Franklin will of course immediately re-enable everything.
@indragamer It's on the buglist. I just haven't figured out how attachments work quite yet.
@threewide My mod's menu should be in the PLAYER section of the trainer. Character Menu should be the first option, replacing the original skin changer.
@LightningLord411 I'm dumb. I used the plus button near the backspace instead of the numpad plus. I'll fix it real quick.
@RIPJAW567 Hmm, I'm not getting that on my end. Make sure you are using the most updated version of both Script Hook and GTA V.
@STUPIDGUARDIAN Do you have endeavour mod menu installed? That seems to be the issue for everyone else.
Either try removing that, or just use the standalone version of my mod.
I don't know what the deal is. It's a really weird bug that I've been trying to track down this week. I thought I found the issue when I renamed my file and it started working, but maybe not.
I know endeavour is putting some limitations on keystrokes (like how you can't sprint when their menu is up), but I don't know why it would have any effect on my mod.
Unless, of course, you don't have endeavour at all. That would be a completely different (and more frustrating) issue.