
Air Support: Strafe Run, Chopper Gunner & More 3.4.1



Spawn a variety of air support, including Attack Helicopter, Support Helicopter, and now Precision Air Strike (Strafe Run)

Place everything into scripts directory
Install latest ScriptHookVDotNet (v3 required) directly from the github release page. The latest release is v3.4.0 at the time of writing.
Install .NET 4.8 Runtime
Smuggler's Run is required for Hunter, and After Hours is required for Strikeforce (strafe run)

Air Strike (Strafe Run) Usage:
By default, [activateKey] is F11. This can be changed in settings. Call in a strafe run using any method below:
1. While aiming, press [activateKey]
2. Press [activateKey]. You will be given a flare gun to mark the position of the strafe run. The run begins after the flare hits something (e.g. the ground, vehicles, NPCs, etc.)

Attack Heli Usage:
Spawn attack helicopter: F10 (can be changed in INI)
Chase & engage NPC: aim at ped/vehicle and press F10

Support Heli Usage:
Spawn support helicopter: Shift+F10
Ground crew rappel from support helicopter (must be active already): Shift+F10
Dismiss helicopters and ground crew: Del+F10
Support helicopter land near player: PageDown+F10
To enter the helicopter once it lands, get near the heli and hold your enter vehicle button for ~1 second.
To fly to waypoint (or hover if no waypoint is set), press Tab+F10
Support helicopter resume following player (after landing): PageUp+F10

Ground crew (bodyguards):
Spawned in with randomly chosen class of primary weapons: rifles, MGs, SMGs, or shotguns
Spawned in with sidearms, including AP pistol
Maximum of 7 that follow you. You can spawn more & they will protect you, but will not follow you

Bugs and future improvements:
- ENT bodyguards do not work well with gunners and guards spawned with this script. Avoid spawning ENT bodyguards while using this script

Changelog (full change log in readme):
- implement support for custom ped models for ground crew
- implemented setting to spawn helicopters further away from the player
- implemented bomb drops for strafe run
- improvements to Strafe Run cinematic cams
- enabled custom heli models
- implemented player vehicle invincibility while strafe run cinematic cam is active
3.1.2 (unreleased)
- experimental: add alternate hash for Strikeforce
- added 2 more cinematic cam sequences
- revamped strafe run cinematic cams, now featuring 4 sequences

Github source code & latest releases
Show Full Description

Primeiro envio: 30 de Janeiro de 2020
Último envio: 22 de Janeiro de 2022
Último download: há 5 horas atrás

All Versions

 3.4.1 (current)

3.743 downloads , 39 KB
22 de Janeiro de 2022


2.692 downloads , 36 KB
24 de Maio de 2020


545 downloads , 36 KB
19 de Maio de 2020


739 downloads , 35 KB
02 de Maio de 2020


607 downloads , 36 KB
24 de Abril de 2020


904 downloads , 35 KB
07 de Abril de 2020


489 downloads , 4 KB
30 de Janeiro de 2020

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